sâmbătă, 8 mai 2021


 PS Academy of Music  organizes between August 5 - August 7, 2021, 

 The objective of the festival is to select and promote young talents in completing a complete artistic act; in stimulating the spirit of competition, communication and fair play among the participants. The festival is open to all children and young people aged 5-30  from kindergartens, schools, palaces / clubs of children (state or private) both in Romania and abroad.
                        THE PROGRAM OF THE FESTIVAL* :       

Thursday, august 5:  The arrival of the guests and jury members
Friday, august 6 :      The first day of the contest
Saturday, august 7:  The second day of the contest
                               Gala of the festival
* depending on the number of participants, organizers reserve the right to make minor changes to the program

                        CATEGORIES   ( every category is individually noted by the jury )
5-6 ; 7-8 ; 9 - 10 ; 11-12 ; 13-14 ; 15-16 ; 17- 18 ; 19-30 .
5-6 ; 7-8 ; 9 - 10 ; 11-12 ; 13-14 ; 15-16 ; 17- 18 ; 19-30 .
5-6 ; 7-8 ; 9 - 10 ; 11-12 ; 13-14 ; 15-16 ; 17- 18 ; 19-30 .
5-6 ; 7-8 ; 9 - 10 ; 11-12 ; 13-14 ; 15-16 ; 17- 18 ; 19-30 .
E. SHOW  :     
At the show section,  vocal groups (up to 5 people), with a song in any musical style, which will not exceed 4 minutes, and who through their performance, will be able to perform a special show. Competitors from the SHOW section will perform moments contain the elements of a SHOW: theme, costume, choreography.
F. DANCE  : This section is for individual dancers or groups of up to 6 people. Any style of dance, lasting up to 4 minutes (melody or collage of songs), is accepted.

 All contestants will perform on stage with negative on audio support. The songs chosen by the competitors of these sections may be from any kind of repertoire, but should as far as possible match the age and children's vocal and interpretative possibilities, with a maximum duration of 4 minutes .
The organizers reserve the right to determine the number of competitors admitted to the festival and the order of entry into the contest.
All competitors - soloists and groups will live on stage both in the contest and in the gala; the presence of winners in the gala is mandatory, otherwise they will not be able to claim their prizes.
All competitors must observe the rules, the program of the festival, not to damage the goods in the performance room & stage, to present an appropriate stage arrangement both on the day of the contest and at the gala.
Laureates who will not be present at the gala will not be able to raise their prizes.
Any deviation from these rules may result in the competitor being eliminated from the contest.
Competitors in any way are not allowed to disturb jury members before, during, or after the contest.
Official photos & videos of the performances  will be posted on the official pages of the organizers .

               The trophies and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded for each age category. The organizers, depending on the categories, reserve the right to double or triple some prizes. Also, depending on the value of artistic performances, special mentions and prizes will be awarded.
The PREPARING STARS FESTIVAL TROPHY  will be won by the highest average competitor regardless of the age category, and which through its evolution impressed the jury in particular.


                                                     THE  JURY
The jury will be composed of specialists from the fields that make up the perfect star: singing, artistic, media and choreography. The competition will be marked with grades 50 to 100. The judging criteria are: vocal qualities, voice transmission, stamp, diction, artistic interpretation, scenic movement, originality.
Each juror will point out from the point of view of the domain he represents. The final mark will result from the accumulation of all the jurors' notes, divided by their number.
The decisions of the jury are irrevocable and can not be appealed.
                                    FESTIVAL PACKAGE
The cost of festival ( without the fee ), is 260 euro / pers, and includes : 4 nights at hotel with half board- buffet  .

                            HOW TO REGISTER?

STEP 1: You will send an email to ps4academy@gmail.com, which will contains the following *:

1. Instrumental of the song, in MP3 format

2. Registration form - completed correctly and completely, with signature

3. Copy of birth certificate or identity document

4. JPG bust color photos (3-5 photos)

5. Short biography of the participant

STEP 2: we will check that you have sent us everything we need and send you the necessary data to make the payments

STEP 3: pay the festival fee by July 15 and email us proof of payment.

* By sending these materials, you agree that PREGATIM STARURI SRL use the name and the image of the competitor to promote it on the blog and the official pages of the contest.
REGISTRATION FEE :  45 euro / category
 The deadline for submitting the materials is 08.07.2021
Materials sent are not returnable.
Email                     ps4academy@gmail.com
Phone                  +40 742 964 904              

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